Begin at the Beginning?

Beginning at the beginning...  In some ways I wish I could.  It would be nice to be able to record everything that has happened in my life since I became a Christian - and it would be a terrific way to show what God is capable of doing in someone's life.  In time, as I continue, I shall probably have to fill in some 'biographical' details, in order to make what I'm rambling about make sense to anyone who isn't currently residing inside my mind, and that may begin to reveal the miracles God has wrought in me.

Even more, I wish I'd started this a couple of years ago, as I began to prepare for a new role at St. Tees, that of churchwarden.  The past couple of years have been a whirlwind of activity, of thoughts, prayers, and events.  It hasn't always been easy - although God's word doesn't tell us that life will be easy - but it has been a period of enormous blessing and huge growth in my spiritual life.  I am grateful for the prayers of so many people.

As I type this I have just returned from the 2011 New Wine Summer Conference (North and East) in Newark.  Physically, I'm tired, but emotionally and spiritually, I am on a high.

As I said above, recently life has been a whirlwind.  New Wine was a chance to 'retreat' and spend time away from ordinary life.  Despite New Wine being a very 'extrovert' experience, I found plenty of chances to be contemplative, and to recharge my internal batteries.

I found it all very affirming - even talks that were supposed to be challenging found me sitting there nodding to myself and thinking 'Yes Lord, you've led me through just this sort of experience, and now I know that I am where you want me.  Now that I'm in the place you want me, please use me.'

Copyright © Phil Hendry, 2022